Burns, Tennessee, United States

Mirror Lake Recovery Center


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35 days
Treating addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions with 12-Step-based care, 3 phases of treatment, and group, individual, and family therapies.
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12-Step Addiction Treatment

Mirror Lake Recovery Center uses the 12 Steps to guide their treatment approach. They provide daily 12-Step meetings, 12 Step education, and continued resources for clients to attend a local 12-Step group after treatment. Mirror Lake Recovery Center blends their 12-Step approach with other evidence-based therapies for a comprehensive, personalized treatment experience.

3 Phases of Care

Mirror Lake Recovery Center offers a 3-phase treatment plan, starting with medical detox. This phase lasts 7-14 days, wholly dependent on each client's needs. Phase 2 begins when clients transition into residential care and begin their full schedule of group therapies, 12-Step meetings, individual therapy, and family therapy. Day treatment, the 3rd phase, offers more independence as clients can return home after a day of treatment.

Christian Recovery Track

Mirror Lake Recovery Center provides a specialized recovery track for Christians: ReNew. As an optional aspect of treatment, clients join ReNew only as desired. The nondenominational track includes prayer, journaling and meditation, singing and worship, 12-Step meetings, and Bible studies led by a Christian counselor.

Specialized Treatment Services

Mirror Lake Recovery Center tailors their care to the unique needs of each client, including veterans and pregnant women. They partner with the VA community of care and provide trauma and PTSD-focused treatment. Mirror Lake Recovery Center welcomes pregnant women up into their 3rd trimester, providing parent programming as an addition to their recovery plan. After treatment, clients join a vast alumni support network that meets weekly at Mirror Lake Recovery Center.

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