All CentersCognitive Behavioral Therapy

Best Rehabs with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Our research team evaluated the 3909 best treatment centers with cognitive behavioral therapy programs. These centers incorporate cognitive behavioral therapy into their treatment plans to support individuals recovering from addiction or mental health conditions. Review our curated list to find the best rehab that meets your needs.

Featured Treatment Centers with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

3909 Results

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More About Rehabs with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a common form of therapy widely used in the Western world to treat a variety of issues, such as personality disorders, depression, anxiety and dual disorders. In laymen’s terms, CBT is a talk therapy that can help you manage your everyday problems in life by altering the way you think and perceive them to be.

Through a series of sessions with an expert therapist, those suffering with dysfunctional and destructive thoughts and behaviors can experience a ‘mini-enlightenment’, in which they begin to see, feel and understand the world in a slightly different way, a way that is more positive and receptive to the world around them. Conducted in the safe environment of rehabilitation, it’s an effective solution to a more balanced, healthy mind.

Explore Top Treatment Destinations

Residential rehab offers you or your loved one the opportunity to start anew in a setting tailored to your needs. With a variety of available options, one is sure to be perfect for you.


Enjoy beautiful natural scenery and treatment from experienced providers.


Experience quality treatment with awe-inspiring views in naturally beautiful settings.


Sunshine, beaches, and warm climate attract clients seeking treatment through wellness and rejuvenation