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About Resurgence Behavioral Health
Resurgence Behavioral Health is an evidence-based residential program with multiple locations in California. Each inpatient location provides 24-hour medical care that closely supervises the clients. They offer on-site medical detox, inpatient care, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), EMDR trauma treatment, trauma-informed care, life skills training, family therapy, gender-specific treatment, and SMART recovery groups. Their treatment teams are made up of medical professionals, certified addiction counselors, licensed therapists and trained addiction specialists who are all overseen by a board of directors to ensure compliance. They are accredited at all locations by either the Joint Commission certified or CARF.
At the California locations, each facility was chosen for its privacy and family-like community. Resurgence California’s residential locations were chosen for the community involvement in the area. They believe it's essential for their clients to be exposed to the environment of the outside world while working towards their goals to further strengthen the recovery process. The accommodations for each client is a shared bedroom, bathroom, healthy prepared meals, and a personal gym on-site. There is outdoor dining and outdoor activities including yard games and trips to the beach. They do accept most PPO insurance plans, simply call to verify your insurance.
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Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can include excessive worry, panic attacks, physical tension, and increased blood pressure.
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Co-Occurring Disorders
A person with multiple mental health diagnoses, such as addiction and depression, has co-occurring disorders also called dual diagnosis.
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A non-medicinal, wellness-focused approach that aims to align the mind, body, and spirit for deep and lasting healing.
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A non-medicinal, wellness-focused approach that aims to align the mind, body, and spirit for deep and lasting healing.
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Twelve Step
Incorporating spirituality, community, and responsibility, 12-Step philosophies prioritize the guidance of a Higher Power and a continuation of 12-Step practices.
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1-on-1 Counseling
Patient and therapist meet 1-on-1 to work through difficult emotions and behavioral challenges in a personal, private setting.
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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
A type of cognitive therapy that identifies negative self-defeating thoughts and behaviors, rewriting beliefs to be positive, empowering, and present.
Eye Movement Therapy (EMDR)
Lateral, guided eye movements help reduce the emotional reactions of retelling and reprocessing trauma, allowing intense feelings to dissipate.
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Family Therapy
Family therapy addresses group dynamics within a family system, with a focus on improving communication and interrupting unhealthy relationship patterns.
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Solution Focused, Goal-Oriented Therapy
A quick goal-oriented therapy that helps patients identify their current and future goals, find out how to achieve them, and empower future problem-solving.
Twelve Step Facilitation
12-Step groups offer a framework for addiction recovery. Members commit to a higher power, recognize their issues, and support each other in the healing process.
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Schizophrenia is a serious mental health condition that causes hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking.
Personality Disorders
Personality disorders destabilize the way a person thinks, feels, and behaves. If untreated, they can undermine relationships and lead to severe distress.
Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can include excessive worry, panic attacks, physical tension, and increased blood pressure.
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This mental health condition is characterized by extreme mood swings between depression, mania, and remission.
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Symptoms of depression may include fatigue, a sense of numbness, and loss of interest in activities. This condition can range from mild to severe.
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Eating Disorders
An eating disorder is a long-term pattern of unhealthy behavior relating to food. Most people with eating disorders have a distorted self-image.
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is characterized by intrusive and distressing thoughts that drive repetitive behaviors. This pattern disrupts daily life and relationships.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is a long-term mental health issue caused by a disturbing event or events. Symptoms include anxiety, dissociation, flashbacks, and intrusive thoughts.
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Some traumatic events are so disturbing that they cause long-term mental health problems. Those ongoing issues can also be referred to as "trauma."
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Co-Occurring Disorders
A person with multiple mental health diagnoses, such as addiction and depression, has co-occurring disorders also called dual diagnosis.
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Cocaine is a stimulant with euphoric effects. Agitation, muscle ticks, psychosis, and heart issues are common symptoms of cocaine abuse.
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Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is the excessive and repetitive use of substances, despite harmful consequences to a person's life, health, and relationships.
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Methamphetamine, or meth, increases energy, agitation, and paranoia. Long-term use can result in severe physical and mental health issues.
Opioids produce pain-relief and euphoria, which can lead to addiction. This class of drugs includes prescribed medication and the illegal drug heroin.
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Prescription Drugs
It's possible to abuse any drug, even prescribed ones. If you crave a medication, or regularly take it more than directed, you may have an addiction.
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Healthy Meals are provided
Great food meets great treatment, with providers serving healthy meals to restore nutrition, wellbeing, and health.
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