Seeking help for addiction and mental health recovery is one of the most important steps you can take in your journey; however, beginning the process can seem daunting and confusing. This guide can help you know where to start, understand your options, and make informed decisions that are best for your recovery needs.
Recognizing the signs of addiction and mental health concerns is a great step towards recovery. The symptoms you experience will vary by your condition and its severity, but you can expect to notice key impacts on your personal and business life if you’re experiencing a mental health concern, eating disorder, addiction, or other behavioral health issue.
If you notice similar effects and symptoms in your life, know help is available.
Remember that getting help and taking care of yourself is never weak—it’s quite the opposite. Stigma can prevent people from seeking treatment1, making it seem shameful or weak to get help. When you take care of yourself, you enable yourself to perform better in all areas of life and take care of your loved ones.
Where you’re at now, even if it’s uncomfortable, is a place you know. Seeking help and going into treatment is a new experience, so it can seem daunting at first. It can even seem easier to stay where you’re at now and hope things get better on their own.
To overcome this resistance to change and inspire hope, you can try making a list of all the reasons you want to go to treatment. Use this list to continually remind yourself of your goals and why getting help is so important for your wellbeing and success. Write down your dreams too, and know getting help can move you one step closer to them becoming reality.
It’s okay to not be okay, but with the right help, you can start feeling a lot better.
Dr. Malasri Chaudhery-Malgeri, Ph.D.
You can navigate treatment costs and insurance coverage by checking if a facility accepts your insurance. They’ll often have a free insurance verification form you can fill out online. If you don’t have insurance or they don’t accept yours, you can set up a payment plan or apply for a treatment scholarship if it’s available.
Support from others can help you overcome fear and resistance surrounding treatment. Tell a loved one, mentor, or trusted friend you think you need treatment. They can help you research your options, provide emotional support, and even go with you to appointments.
Mental health professionals can and should be part of your support system. You may find support through your therapist, peers in group therapy, or in a peer-led support system like 12-Step groups (Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous) or SMART recovery groups (non-12-Step-based). Your religious organization, if you have one, can also offer support and spiritual counseling.
Taking that first step to ask for help is incredibly brave. It’s a sign of strength.
Dr. Malasri Chaudhery-Malgeri, Ph.D.
After recognizing your need for help, you can then make the decision to get help. Make this promise to yourself and your support system, if applicable. Let this decision encourage you and offer hope, too.
Make sure you also commit to the journey. It likely won’t be perfect, and that’s okay; aim for progress, not perfection. One way you can do this is through realistic goal-setting. For example, you could set a goal to find a treatment program and set a start date, versus looking to be “cured” in the next 3 weeks. Be kind to yourself and remember each person has their own unique journey with ups and downs.
Your primary care provider can help you start the journey. You can ask them any of the following questions to see what they recommend and how they suggest you begin your recovery:
Then, once you find a program or therapist that’s a good fit for you, you can check to see if they take your insurance and figure out how payments work to offer you peace of mind.
Once you’ve contacted treatment providers, you’ll create a recovery plan with your healthcare professionals. This plan outlines your course of treatment and identifies areas you need specialized care, such as trauma recovery. Your plan will detail the level of care you need, which may include one or all of the options below.
Your care plan will include skill building and resources to address triggers and potential relapse risks that you may encounter on your road to recovery. Coping tools and relapse prevention strategies can sustain recovery post-treatment. You may also create a safety plan to manage suicidal thoughts and self-harm.
Negative and intense emotions are both normal and expected in recovery. Having coping mechanisms in-hand can prepare you for low moments and inspire resiliency. A few stress-management and coping strategies you can use (plus the personalized ones you’ll learn in treatment) include:
A supportive environment can benefit you before, during, and after treatment. Surround yourself with people who have your best interests in mind. If you’re seeking treatment for addiction, be sure your friends and social circles support recovery. Distance yourself from people who cause turmoil and set boundaries as needed to maintain your mental and physical health.
You can strengthen your support by staying in communication with your friends and family about your recovery process and any needs you have. Let them know how you’re doing and how they can support you. For example, you may call a friend after encountering a trigger to discuss your experience and how it made you feel. Talking through emotions can prevent rumination and relapse.
Make sure you’re celebrating your progress! Every positive change, or even just a step toward it, deserves celebration. Milestones may include “X” days, weeks, months, or years sober, or reaching a goal you and your therapist set in treatment. Let your support system know each time you reach a milestone so they can share your joy.
You can also celebrate the evidence of learning coping skills in treatment. For example, you may notice you identified a distorted thought and didn’t let it bring your mood down. Celebrate that skill you learned and take encouragement from its benefits.
As you go through your journey of ups and downs, keep your long-term goals in mind. Progress and achieving short-term goals can motivate you to keep pursuing larger goals, like being sober for a decade or finishing out a tough degree. Write down your long and short-term goals to reflect on what you accomplish and keep them top of mind.
With professional help, support, and a myriad of resources available, recovery from addiction and mental health conditions is possible. Stay firm in your decision to get help and commit to setting goals. Watch and celebrate your progress as you go to stay dedicated and keep those goals in mind.
And remember, any step towards healing gets you closer than you were before. Take that first step today by browsing for residential rehabs, outpatient facilities, and virtual options that fit your needs. Find insurance information, photos, reviews, and more to help inform your decision and empower you to find the best treatment for you.
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