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About Together We Can
Together We Can (TWC) specializes in addiction treatment using evidence-based therapies and a community-based approach. They are proud to be among the first addiction programs in Canada to have an in-house doctor's office and pharmacy, allowing easy access to doctors and prescriptions on site. TWC consists of 5 residential programs. The Main Centre is their largest treatment program consisting of 5 homes, counselling and group spaces, and a fitness center. This program is based on the 12-Step approach. Elevate is a private residential treatment home that provides care and therapy for those struggling with substance abuse along with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma. Clients in this program will engage in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and 12-Step facilitation. Solid Ground is a non-12-Step recovery program with a low staff-to-client ratio that combines the aspects of narrative therapy, motivational interviewing (MI), and group activities to develop relationships and trust that is required for lasting change. The Arise Wellness program is an all-inclusive, safe, supportive environment where clients can work through trauma and rebuild their life. Clients in this program can expect an open-minded, non-judgmental environment. Lastly, the All My Relations program incorporates indigenous culture traditions and ceremonies to address substance use disorders with indigenous men. TWC also operates programs in smaller communities across British Colombia and operates an expansive sober living program.
Residential homes are situated away from the main campus to create a feeling of independence and real world living, while still being close enough for convenience. Health and wellness plays a large role in recovery, and TWC offers a fully equipped, state-of-the-art fitness center staffed with 2 personal trainers. Clients work closely with fitness trainers as well as dietitians to optimize recovery. TWC provides truly unique, personalized addiction programs that get to the root of addiction and equip the client with the tools for long-term recovery.
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Insurance Accepted
Provider's Policy:Together We Can works with a variety of funding sources in order for people to be able to access our services. Anyone seeking treatment works with our intake services to to secure funding from low-barrier government-funded options, private or self pay, medical insurance, or coverage by employee benefits like blue-cross or unions.
Men and Women
Men and women attend treatment for addiction in a co-ed setting, going to therapy groups together to share experiences, struggles, and successes.
Using alcohol as a coping mechanism, or drinking excessively throughout the week, signals an alcohol use disorder.
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Co-Occurring Disorders
A person with multiple mental health diagnoses, such as addiction and depression, has co-occurring disorders also called dual diagnosis.
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Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is the excessive and repetitive use of substances, despite harmful consequences to a person's life, health, and relationships.
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is a long-term mental health issue caused by a disturbing event or events. Symptoms include anxiety, dissociation, flashbacks, and intrusive thoughts.
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Some traumatic events are so disturbing that they cause long-term mental health problems. Those ongoing issues can also be referred to as "trauma."
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A combination of scientifically rooted therapies and treatments make up evidence-based care, defined by their measured and proven results.
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Family Involvement
Providers involve family in the treatment of their loved one through family therapy, visits, or both–because addiction is a family disease.
A non-medicinal, wellness-focused approach that aims to align the mind, body, and spirit for deep and lasting healing.
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Individual Treatment
Individual care meets the needs of each patient, using personalized treatment to provide them the most relevant care and greatest chance of success.
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Non 12 Step
Non-12-Step philosophies veer from the spiritual focus of the 12-Steps and instead treat the disease of addiction with holistic or secular modalities.
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Personalized Treatment
The specific needs, histories, and conditions of individual patients receive personalized, highly relevant care throughout their recovery journey.
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Twelve Step
Incorporating spirituality, community, and responsibility, 12-Step philosophies prioritize the guidance of a Higher Power and a continuation of 12-Step practices.
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Separate treatment for men or women can create strong peer connections and remove barriers related to trauma, shame, and gender-specific nuances.
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1-on-1 Counseling
Patient and therapist meet 1-on-1 to work through difficult emotions and behavioral challenges in a personal, private setting.
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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
A type of cognitive therapy that identifies negative self-defeating thoughts and behaviors, rewriting beliefs to be positive, empowering, and present.
Eye Movement Therapy (EMDR)
Lateral, guided eye movements help reduce the emotional reactions of retelling and reprocessing trauma, allowing intense feelings to dissipate.
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Life Skills
Teaching life skills like cooking, cleaning, clear communication, and even basic math provides a strong foundation for continued recovery.
This method combines treatment with education, teaching patients about different paths toward recovery. This empowers them to make more effective decisions.
Relapse Prevention Counseling
Relapse prevention counselors teach patients to recognize the signs of relapse and reduce their risk.
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Twelve Step Facilitation
12-Step groups offer a framework for addiction recovery. Members commit to a higher power, recognize their issues, and support each other in the healing process.
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During therapy, patients observe their own brain waves as interpreted by an EEG. This empowers them to understand and regulate emotional responses.
Pornography Addiction
A person with a porn addiction is emotionally dependent on pornography to the point that it interferes with their daily life and relationships.
ADHD is a common mental health condition caused by dopamine imbalance. Common symptoms include inattention, hyperactivitiy, and impulsivity.
Although anger itself isn't a disorder, it can get out of hand. If this feeling interferes with your relationships and daily functioning, treatment can help.
Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can include excessive worry, panic attacks, physical tension, and increased blood pressure.
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Burnout entails mental and physical exhaustion, and leads to a severe lack of fulfillment. This condition is often caused by overwork.
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Codependency is a pattern of emotional dependence and controlling behavior. It's most common among people with addicted loved ones.
Symptoms of depression may include fatigue, a sense of numbness, and loss of interest in activities. This condition can range from mild to severe.
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Eating Disorders
An eating disorder is a long-term pattern of unhealthy behavior relating to food. Most people with eating disorders have a distorted self-image.
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Excessive, repetitive gambling causes financial and interpersonal problems. This addiction can interfere with work, friendships, and familial relationships.
Compulsive gaming is most often a problem for children and teens. The disorder can affect physical health, sleep, and the ability to focus at school.
Internet Addiction
Internet addiction is common among children teens. This compulsive disorder can damage relationships, school performance, sleep habits, and physical health.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is characterized by intrusive and distressing thoughts that drive repetitive behaviors. This pattern disrupts daily life and relationships.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is a long-term mental health issue caused by a disturbing event or events. Symptoms include anxiety, dissociation, flashbacks, and intrusive thoughts.
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The act of intentionally harming oneself, also called self-injury, is associated with mental health issues like depression.
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Sex Addiction
Compulsively seeking out sex can easily become a problem. This addiction is detrimental to relationships, physical health, and self-esteem.
Shopping Addiction
Excessive shopping and spending also known as compulsive buying disorder makes life unsustainable. It puts a strain on finances, relationships, and emotional well-being.
Stress is a natural reaction to challenges, and it can even help you adapt. However, chronic stress can cause physical and mental health issues.
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Some traumatic events are so disturbing that they cause long-term mental health problems. Those ongoing issues can also be referred to as "trauma."
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Using alcohol as a coping mechanism, or drinking excessively throughout the week, signals an alcohol use disorder.
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Benzodiazepines are prescribed to treat anxiety and sleep issues. They are highly habit forming, and their abuse can cause mood changes and poor judgement.
Chronic Relapse
Consistent relapse occurs repeatedly, after partial recovery from addiction. This condition requires long-term treatment.
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Co-Occurring Disorders
A person with multiple mental health diagnoses, such as addiction and depression, has co-occurring disorders also called dual diagnosis.
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Cocaine is a stimulant with euphoric effects. Agitation, muscle ticks, psychosis, and heart issues are common symptoms of cocaine abuse.
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Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is the excessive and repetitive use of substances, despite harmful consequences to a person's life, health, and relationships.
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Ecstasy is a stimulant that causes intense euphoria and heightened awareness. Abuse of this drug can trigger depression, insomnia, and memory problems.
Heroin is a highly addictive and illegal opioid. It can cause insomnia, collapsed veins, heart issues, and additional mental health issues.
Methamphetamine, or meth, increases energy, agitation, and paranoia. Long-term use can result in severe physical and mental health issues.
Opioids produce pain-relief and euphoria, which can lead to addiction. This class of drugs includes prescribed medication and the illegal drug heroin.
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Prescription Drugs
It's possible to abuse any drug, even prescribed ones. If you crave a medication, or regularly take it more than directed, you may have an addiction.
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Synthetic Drugs
Synthetic drugs are made in a lab, unlike plant-based drugs like mushrooms. Most synthetic drugs are either stimulants or synthetic cannabinoids.
Flexible technology policies
Centers with flexible technology policies allow professionals to stay in touch with work and give patients a greater sense of connection and normalcy.
Gender-specific groups
Patients in gender-specific groups gain the opportunity to discuss challenges unique to their gender in a comfortable, safe setting conducive to healing.
Healthy Meals are provided
Great food meets great treatment, with providers serving healthy meals to restore nutrition, wellbeing, and health.
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