Best Rehabs Accepting First Health in Texas
Yes, First Health covers treatment for addiction and mental health. Our independent research team compiled information on centers in Texas that accept First Health. Find the rehab best aligned with your needs by filtering by location, condition, substance, therapies, and approach.
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Featured Treatment Centers Accepting First Health
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Evidence and ethics matter to us. Since 2013, our expert team has built comprehensive resources you can trust to find the right treatment for you.
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Accurate & comprehensive information
Comprehensive provider profiles backed by 10+ years of research.
We are trusted by millions
Helped more than 4 million families with recovery.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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More About Rehabs Accepting First Health
Texas offers a significant selection of top-tier treatment centers to address addiction and mental health issues. Many are ranch or lodge style facilities in secluded areas with large acreage. Choose between a variety of emphases, 12 step, Christian, dual diagnosis, or a mix of approaches to get help with alcohol addiction, drug addiction and more.
What is outpatient rehab?
Outpatient rehab takes place at a center that is licensed to provide rehab services during part of the day; however, there are no overnight stays. Clients typically receive treatment for a set amount of hours on certain days of the week while continuing living at home. This is often for clients who have stepped down from inpatient care or people who are high-functioning and don't require the level of intensiveness that inpatient provides.
What are evidence-based therapies?
Evidence-based therapies are therapies whose effectiveness is empirically supported through scientific studies. Some examples of this include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
What is a first responders rehab program?
These programs cater to clients who have served as police, military, firefighters, EMTs, or other medical first responders. This clientele may benefit from specialized programs as they often endure similar types of work-related trauma, and rehabs are able to customize treatments accordingly.
Can I detox at home?
Supervised detox is recommended as the safest option, especially for alcohol and benzodiazepines. Going to a rehab facility that houses trained staff and necessary equipment will ensure a safe detox that’s more likely to result in a successful, long term recovery.
Is financial aid available for rehab?
Many centers work with insurance companies to help pay for the cost of drug and alcohol treatment. Centers’ websites typically list the providers they accept, and you can call to verify your insurance with their admissions staff. Most rehabs offer payment plans and financing options, and some have scholarship funds available.
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Residential rehab offers you or your loved one the opportunity to start anew in a setting tailored to your needs. With a variety of available options, one is sure to be perfect for you.