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About Sivana Bali
Sivana Bali is a drug and alcohol treatment center focused on personalized care and maintaining a luxury environment. A highly recognized team of international experts deliver individualized treatment in a private and comfortable setting. Holistic, alternative, and evidence-based treatments combine at Sivana, blending to clients’ unique needs and preferences. While in the program, clients will be immersed in the tropical surroundings of Sivana Bali, a beautiful tropical oasis that offers a tranquil place to recover.
Sivana Bali offers highly personalized and intensive 28-60 day rehab programs. Treatment includes a wide range of therapies, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), individual and group therapy, mindfulness and meditation, 12-Step philosophy, Reiki, relapse prevention, and alternative therapies. Clients also receive a personal recovery coach that’s assigned on arrival. Their coach assists in all aspects of recovery, like completing the 12-Steps model and introducing new recovery communities.
Sivana Bali’s structured environment includes morning process groups, covering a variety of topics Monday through Friday. Weekends brim with recreational activities, allowing clients to enjoy all Bali has to offer and ultimately enjoy the process of recovery. In-house chefs prepare nutritious and gourmet meals for clients, helping restore their bodies and minds. For ease of travel, Sivana has a full VIP service for every client, with an agent to meet them as soon as they walk into the terminal, guide them through immigration and customs, and escort them to the Sivana staff waiting outside. After an assessment and pre-determined detox, clients can dive into recovery with their 8 other peers at Sivana Bali.
After a day of treatment, clients can relax at one of Sivana’s two pools, go for a walk along the beach, swim or surf, or take in Bali’s cultural sights with Sivana staff. Sivana Bali puts their clients first every step of the way by offering personalized, non-judgemental treatment in a beautiful environment.
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Sivana Bali treats clients with the respect they deserve, no matter what they struggle with. Their program and staff reflect this, from initial inquiries to aftercare. Evidence-based practices root themselves in science, offering clients proven healing modalities and therapies. For an even more comprehensive plan, holistic and alternative therapies may integrate into treatment.
Holistic therapies and alternative approaches operate in tandem with evidence-based care, giving clients the opportunity to receive comprehensive, well-rounded care. Alternative therapies include Reiki, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Sivana Bali also teaches psycho-education sessions, helping clients better understand the disease of addiction and how they can defeat it long-term.
Sivana Bali’s clinical and medical staff monitor clients during detox, attending to their comfort and medical needs around the clock. After detox, clients continue with a residential stay, which can last as long as they see fit. Sivana offers stay times from 28, 60, to 90+ days at their luxurious center. In the last week of their treatment, Sivana Bali invites clients’ families into sessions to understand addiction and where their loved one is at for reentry back into their home lives.
Sivana Bali ensures clients get to enjoy the unique culture of Bali, and its island amenities. Being near the beach, clients have access to water activities and morning beach walks. Staff at Sivana bring clients out into Bali, allowing them to experience unique cultures and a fresh taste of life outside addiction.
Executive treatment programs typically directly support the needs of people who manage businesses and may provide flexible schedules and office space to allow work during treatment.
Using alcohol as a coping mechanism, or drinking excessively throughout the week, signals an alcohol use disorder.
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Benzodiazepines are prescribed to treat anxiety and sleep issues. They are highly habit forming, and their abuse can cause mood changes and poor judgement.
Cocaine is a stimulant with euphoric effects. Agitation, muscle ticks, psychosis, and heart issues are common symptoms of cocaine abuse.
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Executive Program
Addiction and mental health treatment for executives typically involves high discretion, greater technology access, and more private, 1-on-1 care.
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Some traumatic events are so disturbing that they cause long-term mental health problems. Those ongoing issues can also be referred to as "trauma."
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Detox fully and safely removes toxic substances from the body, allowing the next steps in treatment to begin with a clean slate.
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In a residential rehab program, patients live onsite, with access to daily treatment and 24-hour care. An average stay is 30-90 days.
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A combination of scientifically rooted therapies and treatments make up evidence-based care, defined by their measured and proven results.
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Family Involvement
Providers involve family in the treatment of their loved one through family therapy, visits, or both–because addiction is a family disease.
Individual Treatment
Individual care meets the needs of each patient, using personalized treatment to provide them the most relevant care and greatest chance of success.
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Medical addiction treatment uses approved medications to manage withdrawals and cravings, and to treat contributing mental health conditions.
1-on-1 Counseling
Patient and therapist meet 1-on-1 to work through difficult emotions and behavioral challenges in a personal, private setting.
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Meditation & Mindfulness
A practiced state of mind that brings patients to the present. It allows them to become fully aware of themselves, their feelings, and the present moment.
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Art Therapy
Visual art invites patients to examine the emotions within their work, focusing on the process of creativity and its gentle therapeutic power.
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Family Therapy
Family therapy addresses group dynamics within a family system, with a focus on improving communication and interrupting unhealthy relationship patterns.
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Interpersonal Therapy
This brief and structured therapy addresses present relationships and improves overall communication at work, home, and other social settings.
Life Skills
Teaching life skills like cooking, cleaning, clear communication, and even basic math provides a strong foundation for continued recovery.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy relieves physical and emotional tension, reduces pain, promotes relaxation, and improves emotion regulation.
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Meaning-Centered Therapy
Believing meaning and purpose can ease suffering and inspire change, this therapy connects patients to their spiritual and creative values.
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Combined with behavioral therapy, prescribed medications can enhance treatment by relieving withdrawal symptoms and focus patients on their recovery.
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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
MBCT combines mindfulness practices—like meditation—with cognitive therapy techniques to help patients work through negative thought patterns.
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Narrative Therapy
Through narrative therapy, patients rewrite past events with a positive focus. They separate themselves from the problem to see their purpose and capabilities.
Psychodrama Therapy
Patients act out real or imagined scenarios under a therapist's guidance. These exercises foster creative thought, sponteneity, and problem-solving skills.
This method combines treatment with education, teaching patients about different paths toward recovery. This empowers them to make more effective decisions.
Hand placements or light touches over the body aim to strengthen patients' life energy, guided by a Reiki therapist with expertise in this Eastern medicine.
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Relapse Prevention Counseling
Relapse prevention counselors teach patients to recognize the signs of relapse and reduce their risk.
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Relaxation Therapy
Muscle relaxation techniques relax mind and body. They can easily be practiced outside treatment, making it a valuable coping tool for continued recovery.
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Solution Focused, Goal-Oriented Therapy
A quick goal-oriented therapy that helps patients identify their current and future goals, find out how to achieve them, and empower future problem-solving.
Spiritual Care
Tending to spiritual health helps treatment become more effective, allowing patients to better cope with their emotions and rebuild their spiritual wellbeing.
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Surf Therapy
Surf therapy promotes body awareness, mindfulness, and self-confidence. Because sessions begin with surf lessons, this treatment is appropriate for beginners.
Twelve Step Facilitation
12-Step groups offer a framework for addiction recovery. Members commit to a higher power, recognize their issues, and support each other in the healing process.
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
This cognitive behavioral therapy teaches patients to accept challenging feelings and make the appropriate changes to reach personal goals.
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Yoga is both a physical and spiritual practice. It includes a flow of movement, breathing techniques, and meditation.
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Pornography Addiction
A person with a porn addiction is emotionally dependent on pornography to the point that it interferes with their daily life and relationships.
ADHD is a common mental health condition caused by dopamine imbalance. Common symptoms include inattention, hyperactivitiy, and impulsivity.
Burnout entails mental and physical exhaustion, and leads to a severe lack of fulfillment. This condition is often caused by overwork.
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Codependency is a pattern of emotional dependence and controlling behavior. It's most common among people with addicted loved ones.
Symptoms of depression may include fatigue, a sense of numbness, and loss of interest in activities. This condition can range from mild to severe.
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Eating Disorders
An eating disorder is a long-term pattern of unhealthy behavior relating to food. Most people with eating disorders have a distorted self-image.
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Excessive, repetitive gambling causes financial and interpersonal problems. This addiction can interfere with work, friendships, and familial relationships.
Compulsive gaming is most often a problem for children and teens. The disorder can affect physical health, sleep, and the ability to focus at school.
Internet Addiction
Internet addiction is common among children teens. This compulsive disorder can damage relationships, school performance, sleep habits, and physical health.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is characterized by intrusive and distressing thoughts that drive repetitive behaviors. This pattern disrupts daily life and relationships.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is a long-term mental health issue caused by a disturbing event or events. Symptoms include anxiety, dissociation, flashbacks, and intrusive thoughts.
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Sex Addiction
Compulsively seeking out sex can easily become a problem. This addiction is detrimental to relationships, physical health, and self-esteem.
Shopping Addiction
Excessive shopping and spending also known as compulsive buying disorder makes life unsustainable. It puts a strain on finances, relationships, and emotional well-being.
Some traumatic events are so disturbing that they cause long-term mental health problems. Those ongoing issues can also be referred to as "trauma."
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Using alcohol as a coping mechanism, or drinking excessively throughout the week, signals an alcohol use disorder.
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Benzodiazepines are prescribed to treat anxiety and sleep issues. They are highly habit forming, and their abuse can cause mood changes and poor judgement.
Chronic Relapse
Consistent relapse occurs repeatedly, after partial recovery from addiction. This condition requires long-term treatment.
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Co-Occurring Disorders
A person with multiple mental health diagnoses, such as addiction and depression, has co-occurring disorders also called dual diagnosis.
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Cocaine is a stimulant with euphoric effects. Agitation, muscle ticks, psychosis, and heart issues are common symptoms of cocaine abuse.
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Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is the excessive and repetitive use of substances, despite harmful consequences to a person's life, health, and relationships.
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Ecstasy is a stimulant that causes intense euphoria and heightened awareness. Abuse of this drug can trigger depression, insomnia, and memory problems.
Heroin is a highly addictive and illegal opioid. It can cause insomnia, collapsed veins, heart issues, and additional mental health issues.
Hallucinogenic drugs—like LSD—cause euphoria and increased sensory experiences. When abused, they can lead to depression and psychosis.
Methamphetamine, or meth, increases energy, agitation, and paranoia. Long-term use can result in severe physical and mental health issues.
Opioids produce pain-relief and euphoria, which can lead to addiction. This class of drugs includes prescribed medication and the illegal drug heroin.
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Prescription Drugs
It's possible to abuse any drug, even prescribed ones. If you crave a medication, or regularly take it more than directed, you may have an addiction.
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Synthetic Drugs
Synthetic drugs are made in a lab, unlike plant-based drugs like mushrooms. Most synthetic drugs are either stimulants or synthetic cannabinoids.
Transition Program
Patients in a transition program gradually return to life outside treatment, helping lower chances of relapse and continue care in a less intense setting.
Couples program
Using gentle clinical care, therapists guide patients and their partner through guided sessions to address issues and work towards lasting solutions.
Executive Program
Addiction and mental health treatment for executives typically involves high discretion, greater technology access, and more private, 1-on-1 care.
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Yoga is both a physical and spiritual practice. It includes a flow of movement, breathing techniques, and meditation.
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Yoga is both a physical and spiritual practice. It includes a flow of movement, breathing techniques, and meditation.
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David Rowe
Clinical Director
Beth Stephens
Courtney Wilson
Recovery Coach
Pete Alderman
Recovery Coach
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Thank you for a wonderful journey of recovery that I experienced at Sivana. Looking at my stay helps me to appreciate the beauty of what your job is: You’ve given strength and knowledge to deal with life challenges, and you’ve given me hope that I can live a better life.
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