Learn / What is NAD Treatment?

What is NAD Treatment?

Grace Ogren
 September 23rd, 2024|   Clinically Reviewed by 
Dr. Malasri Chaudhery-Malgeri, Ph.D.

Key Points

  • NAD treatment supplements a natural coenzyme to optimize health.
  • As you age, your body produces less NAD, leading to signs of aging.
  • NAD treatment can lessen withdrawal symptoms and make detox more effective.

Do you remember hearing mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? That’s because it synthesizes the energy you need to function, but it doesn’t do it without help. 

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), a coenzyme found all throughout your body, is responsible for taking just the right electrical charges and reconfiguring them to create ATP1, better known as energy. Along with boosting ATP levels, NAD also affects parts of the DNA responsible for aging, opioid receptors in the brain, and can improve access to the neurotransmitters responsible for good mood, like serotonin. 

NAD levels shrink as you age or experience stressors like addiction. NAD treatment restores your levels of NAD and can subsequently improve a host of functions—even lowering withdrawal symptoms and cravings in recovery. It’s become a more well-known and used tool in addiction recovery; here’s why.

Introduction to NAD Treatment

Your body uses NAD for myriad of processes and functions, including,

  • Metabolism
  • Circadian rhythm
  • Lengthening telomeres, which slows aging 
  • Making energy
  • Repairing damaged DNA
  • Making DNA more resistant to damage and decay
  • Boosting physical and mental wellness
  • Reducing substance withdrawal symptoms

NAD treatment, typically administered through an IV, restores NAD levels that shrank naturally or because of poor health. Since it’s a natural coenzyme found throughout your body1, it’s readily accepted and processed. 

The Science Behind NAD Treatment

NAD synthesis energy in the mitochondria1 thanks to one tiny atom: hydrogen. Hydrogen has one positive charge (proton) and one negative charge (electron) that NAD picks up to form NADH. NADH picks up charges from hydrogen throughout the process of compounds like glucose going through chemical changes. The results of these changes mean the energy (ATP)-making process begins, which releases more NADH. 

In short, NAD takes charges from the hydrogen within various compounds (like glucose) and releases them into the mitochondria, which uses those charges to create ATP, or energy.

NAD affects other cells in different ways. Mainly, it strengthens DNA and enhances neurological and physical functions1, including your cognitive abilities. 

Biological Importance of NAD

NAD does even more than synthesize energy. It keeps several key functions running smoothly, and can slow down, or even reverse, age-related diseases2 by its effects on DNA. NAD restores damage to DNA and protects healthy strands from damage. It boosts immunity and strengthens your metabolism, and helps brain fog dissipate. As an antioxidant, it helps you resist pollutants3 from food, the environment, and substances.

How NAD Therapy Works

Clinics can administer NAD in 3 ways: an IV infusion, an injection, or through a nasal spray. The IV infusion typically takes the most time and is most comprehensive, as the solution includes vitamins to boost your wellness. 

  1. IV Infusion: Nurses or physicians insert an IV tube to administer NAD and vitamins over the course of a few hours. The time for each infusion can vary by the clinic and your dose; expect 2-5+ hours. During that time you can work on a computer, read a book, or enjoy another hobby. 
  2. Injection: Similar to getting a flu shot, a specialist will inject a syringe of pure NAD (no extra vitamins) into your bicep, thigh, or buttocks. You can leave once they’re done; this option takes just minutes.
  3. Nasal Spray: A nasal NAD treatment involves short bursts of the NAD solution sprayed into each nostril. If you’ve ever used a nasal spray for allergies, it’ll be just like that.

After an NAD treatment, many patients feel a boost in energy and mental clarity. Some only feel change after a few sessions. If you’re using NAD treatment for addiction, you may experience an immediate lessening in cravings and improved withdrawal symptoms. An addiction treatment center will likely stack your NAD treatments close together to help you navigate withdrawals as comfortably as possible. 

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Benefits of NAD Treatment

A hallmark of NAD treatment is the lack of medication needed for its results. It uses a coenzyme your body creates naturally, not a man-made medication with their unavoidable lists of side effects. In essence, it uses tools from your body’s toolbox to improve multiple functions.

Anti-Aging Effects

NAD offers anti-aging effects2 in 2 ways: it lengthens telomeres (caps on strands of DNA) and improves your cognitive and physical functions, reducing the likelihood of age-related diseases like cancer.

Telomeres maintain the stability and health of your chromosomes4 by capping off strands of DNA and protecting them from damage. The longer the telomere, the more protected the DNA is and better resistant to the decay of aging. 

Addiction Recovery

NAD helps repair cells damaged by addiction and significantly reduce effects of withdrawals5. NAD also bonds to opioid receptors in the brain, which can ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings for drugs or alcohol.  

NAD, an antioxidant, detoxifies your body. This can speed up withdrawals and make the process more comfortable. NAD can also lower cravings long-term by repairing damaged cells5 in your brain’s reward pathway and changing your genetic expression through epigenetics (or, a new way your genetic code is read.) 

Chronic Health Conditions

NAD treatment improves your metabolism and immune system, which can alleviate symptoms for chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and neurodegenerative diseases. Since it makes repairs to damaged DNA, it can change genetic expression6 and reverse, or improve, chronic conditions and their symptoms. 

What to Expect During NAD Treatment

Before your session, the clinic will set up an initial assessment to determine your eligibility and what current health struggles you may have. Even if you’re getting NAD treatment at an addiction treatment center, they’ll likely still ask a few clarifying questions on your health and what your goals are for the treatment.

NAD treatment consists of little more than resting and relaxing while the transfusion happens. To prepare for your session, drink water and eat a healthy meal to give the NAD a better workspace. Avoid alcohol or caffeine too.

At your first appointment, the practitioners will explain a bit more of what to expect, and then you’re ready to go. Depending on how they administer the NAD, you’ll either receive an injection, a nasal spray, or an infusion. Infusions are more common and comprehensive. They’ll insert a needle into the crook of your arm and hook you up to a baggie with the NAD solution inside. You’re free to work, rest, practice a hobby, or call up a friend during the transfusion. They can take anywhere from 2-5+ hours and occur 1-3 times a week for 8-10 weeks.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. The clinic will likely have guidelines on what they allow you to bring to sessions, like snacks, drinks, and entertainment. Check with them to make sure you’re optimizing your time and making it the best experience for you. Some clinics also bring the treatment to you, which means you can stay at home during the transfusion.

After The Session

Once the transfusion is complete, the presiding nurse or physician will remove the IV to disconnect you from the NAD baggie. They’ll put a bandage over the insertion point (like they do when you get your blood drawn), see how you’re feeling, and send you on your way. You may also schedule the rest of your sessions then, which happen on a cadence suited to your needs. It could be once or twice a week or every other week, lasting 10+ weeks or less.

Possible side effects from NAD treatment include pain and tenderness at the injection site, feeling lightheaded, and headache. The practitioners will ensure you feel okay after each session and not experiencing possible side effects at home.

Clinical Evidence Supporting NAD Treatment

Various studies have both shown NAD treatment has life-improving effects and low safety risks6. Any side effects experienced, like headaches or sleep disturbances, didn’t impact the overall health of participants. It was also found to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings5 in addiction recovery.

Scientists are still seeking to find the best delivery method for NAD7, whether that’s transfusion, injection, a nasal spray, or even a pill. Studies can also improve on showing the efficacy for NAD treatment and mental illnesses like depression, rather than a causal link in NAD and symptom reduction.

Comparing NAD Treatment to Other Therapies

NAD treatment is one of many tools available to treat addiction, chronic health conditions, mental illnesses, and more. It has its pros and cons, like other treatments.

Advantages Over Traditional Methods

NAD treatment generally has fewer side effects than traditional treatment methods, which typically involve medications to treat health conditions. Since it uses something your body makes itself, introducing more NAD is rarely an issue. 

This easy introduction, lack of withdrawals, and natural tolerance can make NAD treatment an advantage over medications. It can be especially beneficial for those in addiction recovery, as NAD can have similar withdrawal-reduction benefits as opioid-based medications5.

Limitations and Considerations

NAD has its benefits and impressive capabilities, but it may only work for some. Practitioners can’t easily prove the NAD’s effects for each individual, nor can they guarantee it will relieve certain symptoms. The way your body processes the extra NAD will vary person-to-person.

NAD treatment also takes time to see certain results, like anti-aging effects or improved cognitive function. It’s not always a quick fix, like medications or other interventions can be. It’s also not covered by insurance, as other medications may be.

Accessing NAD Treatment

Availability and Costs

As NAD treatment becomes a more mainstream treatment option, more and more clinics and providers aim to offer it. A quick Google search will tell you if a NAD clinic is nearby. You can even order a vial of the NAD solution and inject it yourself—with a prescription from your doctor and oversight. 

Costs vary depending on the number of milligrams used in an NAD session. A shorter session will use less NAD solution and cost less. Longer sessions cost more. On average, a 2-hour session will cost $350 and a 5+ hour session will cost $600+. The final cost can vary widely by clinic, solution add-ons, and more. For the total package of continued sessions, you can expect to spend anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000+. 

Insurance and Coverage

Insurance doesn’t cover NAD treatment; they view it as a complementary treatment and may only cover small portions through various plan benefits. You can push for reimbursement by submitting a request to your insurance provider with your need for NAD treatment documented by a clinician.

Next Steps

Consult with your doctor if NAD treatment sounds like a good option for you. It has its benefits and drawbacks, but can be a life-changing treatment for those in addiction recovery, those with chronic ailments, and those with mental health conditions. See what your doctor thinks and set up an appointment with the NAD clinic of your choice to start the process.
You can also browse rehabs for addiction on Recovery.com and see photos, reviews, insurance information, and more.

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