As a mentor and friend, a sponsor supports every part of your recovery progress, and plays a vital role in guiding your recovery journey. Whether by answering questions, holding you accountable, or just listening, they can help you commit to healing. Sponsors can help in any phase of recovery, especially when you’re newly sober.
Having a sponsor in addiction recovery isn’t mandatory. However, most 12-Step programs encourage you to find one. To do that, it’s important to understand the purpose of this relationship.
A sponsor does a lot of different things, but their primary role is to offer guidance. In most 12-Step programs, a sponsor is a senior member1 who has been sober for at least a year. With personal experience in recovery, they can help you learn how to work the 12 Steps.
Sponsorship is one of the key differences between 12-Step vs. non-12-Step programs. Studies show sponsorship leads to better recovery outcomes.2 Once you connect with your sponsor, you can come to them with any questions about addiction and the program itself. For example, say you have a few tough weeks and miss a couple of meetings. Expect a call from your sponsor to get you back on track. Your sponsor’s job is to hold you accountable, encouraging you to do the work to attain and maintain your sobriety.
A good sponsor is there for you but also knows when to let you figure things out for yourself. You should always feel comfortable reaching out to them for help. Here are some qualities to look for in a sponsor:3
There are some things your sponsor shouldn’t do.4 Even if you like them as a person, you should be wary if your sponsor shows any red flags:
If you notice red flags like these, reach out to trusted members of your support network, both in and outside of AA. You can also talk to your therapist. And remember: you always have the right to change sponsors. AA’s literature on sponsorship5 specifies:
We are always free to select another sponsor with whom we feel more comfortable, particularly if we believe this member will be more helpful to our growth in A.A.
Typically, the process of finding a sponsor is informal. You might notice someone in the 12-Step program you admire. Maybe their outlook on sobriety inspires you, or they seem very open and honest. All you have to do is ask them to be your sponsor. Then, they can either accept or decline.
As a newcomer, you can also ask around the program. At some meetings, the leader may ask people who want to become sponsors to raise their hands. You can also ask people you meet if they know of anyone interested in taking on that role.
Just like your sponsor, you’ll have certain responsibilities in this relationship. Here are some tips to be a good sponsee:
In most 12-Step programs, your sponsor plays an integral role. Still, many people reach sobriety without a sponsor at any point in addiction recovery. It all depends on what makes the most sense for your recovery process.
Learn more about sponsorship and 12-Step rehab programs that might be a good fit for you.
A sponsor serves as a mentor and guide, providing crucial support throughout your recovery journey. They offer guidance, answer questions about addiction and the program, and help you work the 12 Steps. While having a sponsor isn’t mandatory, it’s highly encouraged in most 12-Step programs for better outcomes.
A good sponsor should be knowledgeable and able to give guidance, while also maintaining healthy boundaries and encouraging your personal responsibility. A good sponsor listens, offers support, and understands the challenges of addiction recovery. Finding someone who understands your background and recovery goals can be beneficial.
While sponsors are meant to support your recovery, there are certain warning signs to be aware of. A sponsor should not impose their personal views, exploit you, or be disengaged from the program. It’s also important to avoid choosing a sponsor who is a close friend or family member to maintain objectivity. If you notice any red flags, seek support from other trusted people in your support network and consider changing sponsors.
”Questions & Answers on Sponsorship.” Copyright © 2017 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Revised June 2022.
McGovern W, Addison M, McGovern R. An Exploration of the Psycho-Social Benefits of Providing Sponsorship and Supporting Others in Traditional 12 Step, Self-Help Groups. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Feb 24;18(5):2208. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18052208. PMID: 33668094; PMCID: PMC7967695.
”Questions & Answers on Sponsorship.” Copyright © 2017 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Revised June 2022.
”Questions & Answers on Sponsorship.” Copyright © 2017 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Revised June 2022.
”Questions & Answers on Sponsorship.” Copyright © 2017 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Revised June 2022.
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