Learn Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Marijuana Use

Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Marijuana Use

Kayla Gill
January 14th, 2025
Clinically Reviewed by
Rajnandini Rathod, M.Sc.
Key Points
  • Long-term marijuana use can noticeably affect your physical and mental health.
  • This includes impacts on your respiratory, cardiovascular, and immune systems.
  • It can also affect your cognitive functioning and cause lifestyle changes over time.

As marijuana becomes more widely available through legalization, many people are looking for reliable information about its long-term effects. Long-term marijuana use means regular cannabis consumption over months or years, which can affect both your physical and mental health in significant ways. While some effects might be temporary, others can last longer, especially with frequent use. And while cannabis can offer medical benefits for certain conditions, it’s important to understand how it might impact your health over time.

Whether you use marijuana regularly, occasionally, or for medical reasons, understanding how it affects your body and mind over time can help you make better-informed decisions about your health.

What Is Marijuana Use?

Marijuana use means consuming cannabis, a plant that contains compounds that affect your mind and body. Its main active ingredient, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), interacts with your brain to affect how you think, feel, and perceive the world around you. People use marijuana in various ways, like smoking, vaping, or consuming edibles.

Short-Term Effects of Marijuana

When you use marijuana, you’ll feel it within minutes to hours, depending on how you consume it. Everyone’s experience is different, but these are its common immediate effects:

Changes in Your Senses and Emotions

  • Time seems to speed up or slow down
  • Colors appear brighter, or noises sound louder
  • You feel euphoric or relaxed
  • Your emotions might feel more intense

Physical Changes

  • Faster heartbeat
  • Red eyes
  • Dry mouth 
  • Feeling hungry (known as “the munchies”)
  • Feeling energized or sleepy

Changes in Thinking

  • Difficulty with short-term memory 
  • Finding it harder to focus on complex tasks
  • Losing your coordination
  • Thinking about things in new ways

It’s worth noting that not everyone enjoys these effects. Marijuana makes a lot of people feel anxious1 or uncomfortable—especially if they’re not used to it, or if they take more than they normally do.

Explore Marijuana Treatment Centers

What Happens When Marijuana Use Becomes Chronic?

Chronic marijuana use is daily or near-daily use that continues over months or years. The effects of chronic marijuana use vary from person to person, as people develop different patterns of use based on their individual needs and lifestyles. Some people use marijuana throughout the day or as part of their evening routine, like having a glass of wine with dinner. Others might save it for specific times or activities. Medical marijuana users often follow prescribed dosing schedules.

Your body’s response to marijuana changes with regular use. Your natural endocannabinoid system—which is what interacts with THC—gradually adapts to the frequent exposure. As this happens, you start to build tolerance, meaning you need more marijuana to get the same high. Many people also experience changes in their sleep and appetite patterns as their bodies adjust to regular use.

Unlike many other substances that clear from your system quickly, THC is stored in your body’s fat cells3 and released gradually over time. Because of this, it can take several weeks for your body to return to its baseline state after chronic use.

Physical Health Effects of Long-Term Marijuana Use

The health effects of marijuana can impact different bodily systems: 

Respiratory Issues

While people often believe it’s not as bad as cigarettes, the truth is that smoking marijuana can damage your lungs.4 If you smoke marijuana regularly, you might notice effects on your breathing over time. Research shows that about 1 in 4 long-term marijuana smokers experience respiratory symptoms:5

  • Chronic cough 
  • Regular mucus production
  • Wheezing
  • Episodes of bronchitis

Interestingly, these respiratory symptoms were similar whether people smoked just marijuana or just tobacco—one wasn’t necessarily better or worse than the other. Marijuana primarily affects the larger airways in the lungs, while tobacco has more impact on the smaller airways.

Choosing alternative ways to use marijuana (like switching from smoking to vaping or edibles) is one way to protect your lung health. 

Cardiovascular Impact

Marijuana temporarily affects your heart and blood vessels.6 During use, most people experience an increase in heart rate, and some notice changes in their blood pressure or feel their heart beat stronger. For most healthy people, these changes aren’t dangerous. But if you have a heart condition or are at risk for heart disease, it’s important to talk with your doctor about how marijuana might affect your cardiovascular health.

Immune System Implications

Studies show that long-term marijuana use might influence your immune system.7 Researchers warn, 

Cannabis use is associated with a wide range of adverse health consequences that may involve almost every physiological and biochemical system including respiratory/pulmonary complications such as chronic cough and emphysema, impairment of immune function, and increased risk of acquiring or transmitting viral infections such as HIV, HCV, and others.

While we’re still learning about the long-term effects of marijuana on the immune system, we know that THC can affect how immune cells function. Regular use might make it slightly harder for your body to fight off certain infections. If your immune system is compromised, you should talk to your doctor about your marijuana use.

Brain and Cognitive Effects of Marijuana Use

It’s important to understand the relationship between marijuana and brain health, as cannabis can affect everything from your memory and thinking skills to your motivation and emotional well-being.

Memory and Learning

Marijuana affects several types of cognitive functions. THC, the active compound in marijuana, works by attaching to receptors in the parts of your brain that form memories. That means marijuana can impact aspects of your memory and thinking:8

  • Working memory: Holding and manipulating information in your mind
  • Executive function: Planning, organizing, and completing tasks
  • Psychomotor function: The conscious thought required for physical activities

That’s why it’s common for people who regularly use marijuana to experience these symptoms:

  • Trouble remembering recent events or conversations
  • Challenges with learning and retaining new information
  • Changes in how quickly you can process information

Usually, these effects are temporary. Most people report improvements in memory and thinking after they cut back or stop using marijuana. 

Mental Health Concerns

The relationship between marijuana and mental health9 is complex and varies greatly from person to person. While some people feel that marijuana helps them with their anxiety or depression, others might experience more anxiety, especially with high-THC strains. Regular use can influence your mood patterns—and if you have existing mental health conditions, marijuana might affect how you experience or manage these conditions.

Impact on Motivation and Productivity

Some people who use marijuana regularly notice changes in their drive or motivation over time. You might find it harder to get started on tasks or feel less excited about activities you used to enjoy. Your energy levels or ambition might shift. However, it’s important to note that a lot of people are able to maintain productive, successful lives while using marijuana regularly. The key is paying attention to how it affects your daily life and progress toward your goals, and being honest with yourself if you notice any changes.

Lifestyle and Social Effects of Long-Term Marijuana Use

The lifestyle impacts of marijuana use can influence your relationships, career path, and daily routines in ways you might not expect.

Relationships and Social Behavior

Regular marijuana use can also affect your social life and relationships. Some people find their social circles naturally shift toward others who have similar patterns of substance use, while connections with other friends become more distant. You might notice changes in how you interact with family members, particularly if they have concerns about your use.

Financial and Career Impacts

The cost of regularly using marijuana can add up significantly over time. Aside from buying marijuana, there are often related costs for paraphernalia, plus medical consultations or legal documentation in states where it’s regulated.

Marijuana use can also affect your professional life. Even if you don’t use marijuana at work, residual effects like decreased focus or changes in sleep patterns might impact your job performance. Some people find it harder to pursue advancement opportunities or stay engaged in long-term career planning, especially if marijuana is affecting their motivation.

Legal Issues

Even in states where marijuana is legal, regular use can still present legal challenges. Workplace drug testing policies, housing restrictions, and driving laws all create complications for regular users. Understanding and navigating these legal boundaries is an important part of managing long-term use.

Long-Term Risks of Marijuana Dependency

What Is Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD)?

Just as some people develop challenging relationships with alcohol, others may find themselves developing a marijuana dependency as it gets harder to control their use over time. Cannabis use disorder (CUD)10 describes a pattern where marijuana starts affecting your life in unwanted ways. It often develops so gradually that it’s hard to notice.

Healthcare providers look at several factors when assessing CUD:

  • Difficulty controlling the amount or frequency of use
  • Impact on your daily responsibilities
  • Continued use despite negative consequences
  • Using more or longer than you intend to 

The good news is that recognizing these patterns is the first step toward making any changes you’d like to see in your life. Many people are able to successfully adjust their use or get support when marijuana no longer serves their goals.

Tolerance and Withdrawal Symptoms

Just like with coffee or certain medications, your body gets used to marijuana over time. You might notice that the amount that once helped you feel relaxed or relieved pain doesn’t work quite as well anymore. This is your body building tolerance.

If you decide to cut back or take a break, you might go through an adjustment period. Some people feel irritable or find it hard to sleep. Your appetite might decrease for a few days, and you could feel restless or anxious. You might also have intense cravings. But these feelings are usually temporary—most people find the first week the hardest.

Everyone’s experience is different, and not everyone has all these symptoms. If you’re thinking about making changes to your use, it can help to know that any discomfort is usually short-lived.

Impacts on Health and Quality of Life 

When marijuana use becomes problematic, it can affect multiple areas of your life. You might notice changes in your physical and mental health, your relationships might feel strained, and your daily activities might feel more challenging. These impacts are often reversible with the right lifestyle changes and support.

Potential Benefits of Marijuana Use: A Balanced View

Medical Marijuana Applications

Under medical supervision, marijuana is effective in treating symptoms of certain health conditions:11

  • Chronic pain management
  • Reducing seizures
  • Alleviating nausea during chemotherapy
  • Managing symptoms of various chronic conditions

Medical use typically involves careful dosing and regular monitoring by healthcare providers, which is very different from how people use marijuana recreationally.

Harm Reduction Strategies for Recreational Users

If you choose to use marijuana, several strategies can help you minimize potential risks:

  • Consider alternatives to smoking, such as vaporizing or edibles
  • Choose products with balanced THC/CBD ratios instead of high-THC strains
  • Set clear boundaries around when and how much you use
  • Take regular breaks to assess your relationship with marijuana
  • Stay connected with non-marijuana-related activities and relationships

Overcoming Long-Term Effects and Dependency

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re concerned about your marijuana use, an addiction treatment specialist can offer practical, nonjudgmental support. They can help you understand your patterns, address related health concerns, and develop strategies for creating the changes you want to see. Many providers now have experience helping people navigate their relationship with marijuana to support their well-being.

Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

Evidence-based approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other talk therapies can be especially effective in helping you shift patterns. These therapies help you understand the thoughts and behaviors that drive your marijuana use and learn practical skills for making changes. Mindfulness-based approaches can also help you increase your self-awareness and make conscious choices about your relationship with marijuana.

Recovery Resources

Support comes in many forms, and what works best varies from person to person. Therapy, support groups, and online communities can all help you change your patterns of marijuana use. Some people benefit from structured treatment programs, while others prefer individual therapy or informal support networks. The key is finding resources that align with your personal goals, whether that’s stopping use entirely, cutting back, or simply cultivating a healthier relationship with marijuana.

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