Learn Stepping into What’s Next: Starting the New Year with Intention

Stepping into What’s Next: Starting the New Year with Intention

Caroline Beidler
January 28th, 2025

The start of every new year can bring a variety of emotions—hope, curiosity, and sometimes a little bit (or a lot) of pressure to make changes.

For anyone in recovery, whether that’s recovery from addiction, trauma, or simply unhealthy habits, the new year can feel like a fresh start. But it can also be a reminder of the work ahead, which can be intimidating. 

Can we really start the new year in a hopeful and healthy place?

Can we really make lasting changes?

I firmly believe that we can. I think that instead of viewing the new year as a moment for drastic resolutions or impossible goals that seem out of reach, why not see it as an opportunity to take a step forward? One step at a time.

In Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change the authors share that change is not linear. Change happens “over time. With stops and starts, along a crooked line. With practice. With ambivalence […]. When the tradeoffs seems worth it. With a little help–sometimes a lot of help–from friends and family. With anguish. With effort. With joy.”

Progress in recovery isn’t about perfection—it’s about small, meaningful actions that add up over time. We can start the new year with intentional change.

How Far Have We Come?

Before going head first into change, it might be helpful to take a look back. Not focusing on the negative or the struggles, but on the moments we show up for ourselves. The days when we made even the smallest choices that have moved us toward a better place.

Did we set boundaries that protected our peace? Maybe we made healthier choices, even when it felt difficult. Or perhaps we simply stayed in the game, even when we felt like giving up would be easier. These moments matter, and they are the foundation for what comes next. We need to celebrate the small wins along the way as we prepare to make changes for the future.

Why Do Resolutions Often Fail?

The “New Year, New Me” mentality is everywhere. But it can be a trap. Recovery is already a deeply personal and intentional process and adding extra pressure to overhaul your entire life by February isn’t always helpful.

“Change is a process, not an event.”

Instead of resolutions, can we consider setting intentions for change? Intentions are more flexible and focused on the journey rather than the outcome or strict timeline. They are, in a sense, systems for living. As James Clear notes in his book Atomic Habits: “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

For example:

Instead of “I’ll exercise every day,” try “I’ll move my body in ways that feel good.”

Instead of “I’ll quit all my bad habits immediately,” try “I’ll work on one area at a time.”

Instead of “I’ll fix everything,” try “I’ll approach challenges with patience and self-compassion.” 

Focusing on more fluid systems of change can be a more compassionate way to approach change in the new year.

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Celebrating the Journey

If there’s one thing recovery shows us, it’s that we are not meant to do this, including change, alone. People need connection and a healthy community for accountability and support. 

One powerful way to create connection is by reaching out to people who share your journey. A benefit of the internet is that there is an abundant of ways to do that. This could mean joining a recovery group, finding a mentor, or even just spending time with friends who make you feel revitalized and who are also committed to making positive changes in the new year. If in-person options are not accessible, online communities can be just as meaningful. Recovery thrives on shared experiences and mutual understanding.

Re-imagining What’s Meaningful in the New Year

The start of a new year is a perfect time to reimagine what’s meaningful and decide what changes you want to make and why. Maybe past traditions or routines don’t feel like they fit anymore. Maybe you are ready to take your recovery to the next level. Maybe you don’t identify as being “in recovery,” but you want to choose a substance-free life for other reasons, including health reasons. 

Think about what makes you feel alive. Is it spending time in nature? Learning a new skill? Reflecting on your goals? These new changes don’t have to be grand or complicated—they just have to feel right for you.

For example, you could start a weekly ritual of journaling about what you’re grateful for or reflecting on your progress. Or maybe you dedicate time each month to trying something new, like a hobby you’ve always been curious about. Playing guitar. Taking up knitting. Rock climbing. Writing. Cooking. The options are endless. Introducing new changes can anchor you and give you something to look forward to.

Stepping Into What’s Next

As we all move into this new year, carry this with you: recovery isn’t just about leaving things behind. It’s about building something new. It’s about finding purpose, creating connection, and continuing to make changes, even when it’s hard.

You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t have to be perfect. What matters is that you are here, willing to take the next step.

Let this year be one of progress, intention, and self-compassion.

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