Learn Rehab for The Holidays: Give Yourself And Your Loved Ones The Gift of Recovery

Rehab for The Holidays: Give Yourself And Your Loved Ones The Gift of Recovery

David Drum
December 12th, 2024

Disclaimer: We appreciate the contribution of the author who wrote this article. The opinions and views expressed are uniquely the author’s and add valuable perspectives to Recovery.com. Enjoy!

This was going to be the year you beat addiction. This was going to be the year you rediscovered life. Yet here we are entering the holidays and it hasn’t quite worked out that way. You could say, “Oh well, I’ll get sober in January.” 

Isn’t that what you said last year? How about a new approach? Why not this year you give yourself and your family the best gift of all: recovery! The gift that keeps on giving year after year with compounded interest! 

How about this year you spend the holidays in treatment so next year, and all the years after that, can be what you wanted this year to be? 

Overcoming Excuses With Reasons to Hope

The excuses we make for not starting our recovery journey during the holidays mimic the same self-defeating tactics we use all year; they just seem to have more clout between the turkey and Deck the Halls. But really, it’s just the same old Grinch who wants to steal another Christmas. 

Going to rehab and pursuing recovery always comes with challenges, regardless of the time of year or season. But this year can be different! Here are some reasons why rehab for the holidays is a great gift idea, despite the challenges.

Top 4 Oppositions to Treatment And Reasons to Go Anyway

Reason #1

I have to be home with my family for the holidays!” 

This might be the biggest barrier when thinking about holiday rehab. Think about past holidays, maybe even last year, and ask yourself how that worked out. We get caught up in the greeting card sentiment about this time of year, but for those with an alcohol or drug addiction, the dreamy emotion quickly becomes a nightmare of stress, conflict, and embarrassment. 

Spending time in treatment means you can really be “home for the holidays” in the future, giving yourself drama-free celebrations to look forward to all year long. 

Reason #2

I can’t be away from my job or school.” 

Many businesses slow down this time of year and schools have long breaks. While other times of the year your absence would be obvious, during the holidays people won’t even question you taking time off. This makes the holidays one of the best time for treatment. Your boss, customers, or teachers likely recognize the impact of your addiction and would welcome this effort to start the New Year in recovery.

Reason #3

I can’t afford treatment during the holidays.” 

The end of the year may actually be the best time financially, since you may have already met your insurance deductibles. With many policies, January means a whole new “out-of-pocket” expense. This can affect the total coverage an insurance company will pay.

Reason #4

It would be selfish to go into treatment during the holidays.” 

Self-care and selfishness are not the same. Getting treatment is the opposite of selfish. Investing in yourself so you can be a better father, mother, spouse, son, or daughter is not selfish. It’s an investment in you!

Don’t put this off for next year; make next year what you want it to be–all it’s meant to be–by entering treatment during the holidays. Recovery is a lifelong journey that can’t be postponed without consequences. Give yourself and your family the best gift of all this holiday season: recovery.
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