Learn / Ethical Care and Recovery: A Cornerstone for Healing

Ethical Care and Recovery: A Cornerstone for Healing

Grace Ogren
 August 6th, 2024|   Clinically Reviewed by 
Dr. Malasri Chaudhery-Malgeri, Ph.D.

Key Points

  • Ethical treatment prioritizes honesty, efficacy, and the patient's entire wellbeing.
  • Several organizations strive to make ethical care a given.
  • Ethical practices can improve treatment outcomes.

Ethics and quality treatment go hand-in-hand. One often doesn’t exist without the other and if they do, the impact of either lessens. In an industry shaped by unethical practices, some of which have just become the norm, a pursuit of ethics sets many organizations and providers apart.

We’ll explore what ethics are in the behavioral health industry and why they’re such an important part of recovery—regardless of the conditions present, the level of care, or patient preferences. Ethics remain the baseline of effective care.

Listen to our podcast episode with Marvin Ventrell, CEO of the National Association of Addiction Providers (NAATP), to learn more about ethics in treatment from the person who spearheaded the effort.

Ethics: What They Are and Why They Matter

At first thought, ‘being ethical’ may sound like feeding the homeless, treating others fairly, or being honest. People without ethics often star as villains in books and films, but in reality, a lack of ethics often shows in more subtle ways. Sometimes, that’s because we or another party don’t know the ethics of a certain industry, place, or demographic and act unethically by accident. Other times, acting unethically is an intentional choice to manipulate and mislead for personal gain. Usually, monetary.

Treatment that prioritizes ethics both improves the chances of success and helps patients feel respected and cared for, which maintains their dignity. Lacking ethics has consequences, from being hurtful to costing someone the recovery opportunity they deserved. In dire cases, unethical practices can directly or indirectly end someone’s life. 

Unethical Practices in Addiction Treatment

Ethics in the addiction treatment space have gotten more robust and structured, but that wasn’t always the case. Old practices still happen today and, unfortunately, can marr the otherwise respectable reputation of treatment providers. These are some of those practices.

Patient Brokering

Patient brokering is the practice of unethically attracting people to a certain treatment center through a broker that offers free flights, gifts, money, or even drugs. The ‘broker’ who refers them to treatment gets a compensation fee. Sometimes, brokers will help people relapse and then encourage them to go to the specific treatment center that gives them compensation. Brokers may share their fees to encourage patients to relapse and go to treatment.

The Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to pay for addiction treatment, which means patients with good-paying insurance are often the targets of patient brokering, or body brokering. Once the patient’s insurance is charged, they’re run through treatment quickly, primed to relapse and return again to the center (so they can charge their insurance again). 

Thankfully, patient brokering has become illegal and therefore less common. But it still happens. States like Florida and California still battle shady providers and brokers, shutting them down as soon as they can. 

Misleading Marketing

Some treatment centers rely on misleading marketing to draw in patients—and their insurance. AI-generated images or generic stock photos make the center look nicer than it is, or advertise amenities and therapies that don’t actually exist (like private bedrooms, a pool, or equine therapy). The center could also claim they have more experienced or higher qualified staff than they actually do, like saying all their therapists are masters-level when they aren’t.

Thinking they’ve found an amazing center at an equally amazing price, patients or their loved ones may commit to treatment and pay upfront for their care without realizing they’ve been duped. 

Paying for Leads

Some treatment providers pay for ‘leads’ to their website, which are website clicks, phone calls, or messages indicating interest in treatment. For example, a treatment center may pay a directory or call center to send them a certain amount of leads. One way a call center can do this is by saying other treatment centers are full or closed, leaving the one paying them as ‘the only option.’ 

Lack of Transparency

Some treatment centers purposefully make it difficult to ascertain what they do and how they do it. They may also distort what the living conditions will look like, using vague statements like, “Patients are onsite.” (Living where? What are the rooms like? Is it actually residential? Will there be meals?)

The admissions staff are often just as vague, encouraging you to make your payments, get through the admissions process, and start treatment instead of answering questions. Once you get to the center, you may realize it’s not a good fit or not at all what you expected. 

Exposing Patient Identities

One of the last things many patients want is to see their face plastered over marketing materials or used on the website of the place they went to get treatment. Addiction and mental health treatment is deeply personal and often vulnerable; not something people often want disclosed (especially celebrities or high-ranking corporate employees/employers).

Unethical providers sometimes use pictures of patients to capture their treatment services and amenities. If treatment centers do use pictures of patients in their marketing materials or on social media, the patient must be fully aware and give their approval before the image can show anywhere on the internet or printed materials. 

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Ethical Practices in Addiction Treatment

Many treatment providers and industry leaders recognize and prioritize ethics in treatment, slowly but surely changing the entire industry and restoring its reputation. Here’s how.

Clear Advertising

This applies to the treatment center advertising themselves and 3rd-party sites advertising the center. For the center, it means any material or messaging about their center is clear and not misleading. They clearly state what they are, what they do, and what patients can expect. Not only is this ethical and kind, it reduces fear of the unknown (FUD), which can be a barrier to treatment.

Third parties prioritize ethics by clearly marking which listings on their website are paid advertisers. At Recovery.com, for example, you’ll see we mark each treatment provider that pays for an extended reach. This lets visitors and potential patients know what is and isn’t an ad. 

Accurate Language and Images

The way a center portrays themself makes a big difference. If they say they’re the best rehab ever and upload a dozen stock images of a luxury spa, that’d likely change the way a potential patient views them—and sway their treatment decision. 

Sticking to the facts of what they treat, how they treat it, and including pictures of their center only make for a more ethical portrayal. Clear content and pictures also help potential patients make quick, informed decisions at a difficult time.

Updated and Accessible Licensing Information

A good indicator of quality care comes from 1) clinical licensure from the center’s country and state and 2) accreditation from organizations like the NAATP, The Joint Commission, LegitScript, and CARF

Many providers make these accreditations and licenses easily viewable on their website. You can also search the accreditor’s website for the specific treatment center to see if they’ve been accredited by them.

While licensure and accreditations don’t guarantee successful treatment, they can help you decide on a center and feel more confident in the quality of care you or a loved one will receive. 

Cultural Competency

Cultural competency means the staff at a treatment center have a learned or lived experience that allows them to understand someone’s culture, and how their culture can affect treatment. Cultural competency can help LGBTQ+, non-white, religious, and disabled people feel more comfortable, safe, and understood in treatment.

Making Every Effort to Offer Effective Care

Imagine if you went to the doctor for a sprained ankle and the staff only tossed you an ice pack. Some treatment providers do close to the same thing for addiction and mental health treatment; bare minimum services that don’t address core issues. 

Ethical providers do the opposite: making every effort to give you the best, most effective care they can. They collaborate with each other to better understand your needs and check that they’re addressing them. Depending on their services and available resources, you’ll receive the therapies and practices best attuned to what you need to recover.

Though effort and best intentions don’t guarantee recovery, they go infinitely farther than lackluster care and band-aid solutions. 

Organizations Enforcing Ethics

How does the treatment space enforce the concept of ethics and ethical practices? It takes the bravery and efforts of many organizations determined to improve the space and save lives. One of those organizations is the NAATP, who’s CEO we were privileged to talk with in our recent podcast episode. You can listen to that to learn more about his story and how the NAATP put their stamp on ethics. 

The Joint Commission also offers accreditation for many types of treatment providers. To gain accreditation from the NAATP and The Joint Commission, treatment providers go through rigorous screenings and approvals similar to state licensing. These organizations focus more on ethical care, though, which differs them from a center meeting the state requirements to operate. 
With these organizations and the passion behind them, finding quality, ethical addiction treatment is more than possible. People care. Hope is for everyone.

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