Learn Does Rehab Work?

Does Rehab Work?

Grace Ogren
September 16th, 2024
Clinically Reviewed by
Dr. Malasri Chaudhery-Malgeri, Ph.D.
Key Points
  • Going to rehab is an investment in your future and wellbeing.
  • Can you guarantee its success? Not exactly, but...
  • Any effort at healing has value, especially for those prepared to reap the benefits.

Going to rehab requires investing what you can’t get back: time (and money). It’s an investment in your future and wellbeing. 

Fortunately, it’s time and money well spent since rehab does work for various reasons, mainly willingness to get help and a commitment to recovery. While it’s true that rehab isn’t a guaranteed success for everyone, if you have those in your pocket, you’ve got no reason to doubt rehab will benefit you. 

What Is Rehab?

Rehab is where you go for intensive treatment for addiction and/or mental health conditions. You can go to rehab for drug and alcohol addiction, mental health conditions, eating disorders, and co-occurring conditions (having an addiction and a mental health condition, for example).

You don’t have to be at your rock bottom or last leg to go to rehab. However, those with more urgent or intense needs often attend rehab because it’s the most intensive form of treatment—compared to outpatient levels of care or therapy sessions every so often. But reaching that point isn’t a prerequisite for treatment.

Rehabs typically provide both medical and therapeutic care, helping patients detox if needed, address health needs, and then begin the process of emotional growth and healing. Rehabs can vary widely in terms of the therapeutic approaches they use and the specific therapies offered. But you’ll often see a blend of evidence-based and holistic therapies tailored to comprehensive recovery.

Effectiveness of Rehab

No level of treatment expertise, fancy therapies, or luxurious amenities can guarantee rehab will be effective—thankfully, those aren’t what you need to make it successful for you. Here’s an overarching look at what makes rehab effective:

  • Desire to attend treatment
  • Commitment to recovery; willing to ‘put in the work’
  • Personalized care
  • Qualified staff

Success Rates

About 75% of people with an addiction recover1. Because recovery is diverse and variable by person, few ‘true’ statistics for the success of rehab specifically exist. But many researchers, clinicians, and scientists agree willingness to get treatment and get better leads to success. 

Factors Influencing Success

Going to rehab and getting treatment is largely credited for recovery, though not everyone who recovers from an addiction or mental health condition receives formal treatment in rehab. But for those who do, the length of time in treatment correlates strongly to its success2.  

Care that aligns with your preferences and culture can also improve your chances of success. For example, if spirituality plays an important role in your life, treatment that includes that will likely resonate better with you. 

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Components of Effective Rehab Programs

Several components, such as a broad range of approaches, personalized care, and compassionate staff, set rehabs up for success.

Evidence-Based Practices

An evidence-based practice means there’s evidence backing its effectiveness. It’s been vetted by scientists, clinicians, and published case studies demonstrating how and why it works, and who it may not be as effective for. 

Examples of evidence-based practices include:

Personalized Treatment Plans

Therapies are more effective when they’re delivered in a personalized treatment plan. For example, if horses scare you, equine therapy probably wouldn’t be a great fit for you. Instead, a center with personalized care plans would offer you another option, like art therapy or EMDR.

Personalized treatment accounts for your conditions and diagnoses, cultural background, family history, and your preferences. Tailored treatment can help you connect more to the recovery process and feel hopeful on your journey.

Challenges in Measuring Rehab’s Effectiveness

Trying to measure the overall effectiveness of rehab is a bit like answering the question, “Does going to college mean you’ll get a good job?”

Theoretically, yes. But everyone’s experience is different. If you went to college, even got into Harvard, but didn’t put in the effort to pass your classes and loathed your time there, you wouldn’t get the same post-graduation results as someone who studies, does all their homework, and wants the education for the job they have in mind.

Similarly, someone who goes to rehab but doesn’t engage in treatment with the goal of recovery won’t have the same experience as someone who does. For them it wouldn’t be as effective, even though they went. 

Most Outcomes Go Unmeasured

Rehabs may try to collect information on their success rates so they can publish it on their website and make their outcomes public. But gathering that information takes time and work. Even if a rehab sends out a short questionnaire to each patient a year or so after their discharge,

  1. Not everyone will respond.
  2. There’s no way of knowing if their responses are truthful.
  3. People may do the survey but decline to have the information collected and published, especially if confidentiality is a major issue.

Plus, addiction can be a relapsing disorder3 like asthma and diabetes. Some consider ‘successful treatment’ as a recovery with zero relapses. Some view relapses as a natural part of the recovery process—they happen, but don’t mean rehab didn’t work. There’s no right way to feel about relapses. But they can alter the overall perception of rehab’s effectiveness.

Patient Experiences and Testimonials

Rehab can have life-changing effects, whether people go once, twice, or two dozen times. Many rehabs post the testimonials of past clients, highlighting their experiences in treatment. We asked two of our own at Recovery.com for their stories: Amanda Uphoff, Chief of Staff, and Cliff McDonald, Chief Growth Officer.

Success Stories

Amanda describes her rehab experience as this,

“My first residential treatment experience was eye-opening in that I truly learned the meaning of the phrase, “Wherever you go, there you are.” I was hoping for a silver-bullet situation, only to find that I was still me, with the same obsessions and character defects, just in a different place. I wasn’t ready to do whatever it took, and ended up back in treatment a couple years later. This program was a much better fit for me: gender-specific, farther away from home, and with a strong spirituality component. My recovery took root there, and for the first time, I practiced surrender. I admitted into a step-down IOP program before leaving that residential program, and began working with a mentor assigned through IOP. While relapse is a part of my recovery, I will celebrate 5 years of continuous sobriety this year. Don’t quit before the miracle!”

Amanda Uphoff, Chief of Staff

Cliff says, 

“I went to the same residential treatment center (rehab) twice in 2018 – the first time I went I didn’t want to go and I went because my family gave me an ultimatum – I checked myself out “AMA” (against medical advice) after two weeks. The counselors and the staff implored me to stay longer as they knew I was far from being prepared to deal with the real world – I had no idea that I was a really sick person and I was so naive. At the time I had a 34 year relationship with alcohol and hadn’t gone more than a week or two without being intoxicated from alcohol. I did manage to have 90 days of sobriety followed by a brutal relapse which landed me back there for a second tour – the relapse convinced me that I was powerless as I truly didn’t want to drink again. In the first week of my second visit I experienced a major shift in mindset and willingness and I surrendered – that was almost six years ago – I don’t think I could have achieved sobriety without residential treatment and I may not even be alive today had I not had this second opportunity with residential treatment. I am so grateful that these resources were available for me.”

Cliff McDonald, Chief Growth Officer

Challenges and Setbacks

Some people go to rehab to appease others. They don’t want to be there or recover, which makes committing to the process harder. A lack of willingness can become a setback when someone goes through the motions of rehab, gets released, and immediately goes back to substance use. While relapses don’t erase progress, they can delay long-term recovery and the benefits that come with it.

Rehabs with low-quality care can also set back someone’s recovery. Cost doesn’t always mean the care will match the value; any rehab can have great, or less passionate, professionals. Patient reviews, checking what therapies they have, and the clinician’s credentials can shed light on the true quality of a rehab’s care.

Role of Support Systems in Recovery

The support of family and friends can make all the difference in someone’s recovery4. They can 1) offer encouragement and motivation to stay committed to recovery and 2) help their loved one find their treatment options and go with them to any initial appointments as emotional support.

Many rehabs involve related or chosen family in the recovery process directly through family therapy. This setting helps the family unit heal emotional wounds, process their addiction, and strengthen relationships. Family members also learn how to better support their loved one once they return home, which can be crucial in preventing a relapse—and helping families know what to do if one happens.

Alternatives to Traditional Rehab

The ‘traditional’ route of residential rehab may not work for everyone, and that’s okay. Many other options exist just for that reason. For example,

  • Peer-support programs: Peers in recovery lead these sessions, instead of therapists or other mental health professionals. Groups may discuss a certain topic, challenges they’re facing, or what’s going well in life. They form bonds and a crucial sense of belonging. The 12-Step meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are an example of a peer-support program.
  • Alternative treatments: A more holistic approach may appeal to those with different cultural backgrounds or spiritual preferences. Alternative treatments include Ayurveda, acupuncture, nature therapy, supplements, herbal remedies, and more. 
  • Psychedelics: As an emerging treatment option, psychedelics are becoming a more mainstream treatment option for addiction and mental health recovery. For some, they can have a more immediate and long-lasting effect than traditional therapies and medications. 
  • Virtual options: Virtual rehab is also becoming more and more mainstream. Those living in remote areas or with mobility limitations may find virtual options most effective.

Continuing Care and Relapse Prevention

Imagine treatment for a broken leg—even if you spend a lot of time at the hospital and leave with it in a nice cast, it still needs help and attention to heal completely. If you began walking on it, not going to follow-up appointments, or even taking the cast off simply because you got released from the hospital, the results wouldn’t be good.

Addiction treatment often follows a similar scenario. If you leave rehab and return to all your usual habits and behaviors, neglecting follow-up sessions and maintaining your progress, it’ll likely be much harder to stay on the path to recovery. 

Importance of Aftercare

Aftercare begins after you leave rehab. It’s less intensive and requires less time than residential treatment, like weekly therapy sessions and 12-Step meetings. Residential rehabs often offer their own form of aftercare, which typically includes check-ins from staff and resources for the patient to connect with help 24/7. 

Aftercare serves as a crucial median between the world of residential rehab and outside life5. It eases the transition, helping patients strengthen their newfound recovery and avoid relapse. It also solidifies that patients are still cared for and valued, even after they leave intensive care. 

Back to the example of the broken leg, aftercare would look like using crutches and going to all your doctor’s appointments. You would avoid stairs, bumpy terrain, and practice pain-reducing habits like icing and elevating your leg to make the recovery process smoother. Addiction recovery isn’t all too different—you’ll avoid places you used to go to use substances (like a bar or club), go to your aftercare sessions and join a recovery group, and practice habits like self-care and stress reduction to proactively address the intense emotions that could lead to relapse. 

Strategies for Long-term Success

Recovery is an active state you have to continually choose. Strategies and habits can strengthen this practice and help you get back on track in case of a relapse. Here are some examples:

  1. Have accountability partners. Identify which friends or family members could help you stay accountable to your sobriety. They may send you a text each morning to check in, or they can be the person you call when cravings and temptations get strong.
  2. Integrate self-care into your routines. This doesn’t mean take a bubble bath every night (though you could), rather, to habitually practice activities that relieve negative emotions and bring you joy. Set aside a little time each day to spend time doing these activities.
  3. Connect to a support group. Join a local recovery community to stay in regular contact with others in recovery. This could be a 12-Step group, a SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery group, or even a sports league with people in recovery.
  4. Prioritize continued care. Maintaining your recovery is as important as achieving it in the first place. Going to therapy or an outpatient program can help you navigate stressors and challenges as they arise, strengthen your overall recovery, and keep you connected with treatment professionals. 

Making The Decision to Enter Rehab

How do you know if going to rehab is the right thing to do?

A crystal-clear answer likely won’t come—you’ll have to listen to yourself and your gut. Ask yourself questions like,

  • Do I want to keep living the way I am now, or am I willing to make a serious effort for change?
  • Can I get through a day without using substances?
  • Are the physical effects of stopping too uncomfortable to bear? (Note: it’s always safest to detox in a professional setting and not by yourself.)
  • Can I really get better on my own or do I need help?
  • Will I lose relationships with my loved ones if I go on like this?

You can start your search for the best treatment for you using Recovery.com. Talk about it with your support system, too; they can help you with the technical details and offer emotional support.

As you make your decision and commit to treatment, keep in mind rehab isn’t a cure-all and often reaps benefits based on your willingness to recover, and if you’re ready to commit. Not everyone goes to rehab once and never relapses again, and that’s okay. 
Rehab is much more than a substance-free place—it teaches you skills for recovery, connects you to peers, and addresses underlying causes of addiction through therapy and personalized healing. Find a rehab that fits your needs on Recovery.com.

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