News Adds Giving Voice to Depression Podcast to Expand Mental Health Resources Adds Giving Voice to Depression Podcast to Expand Mental Health Resources

Andrew De Stadler
September 21st, 2024

Madison, WI – Every person struggling with their mental health has their own unique story and needs. We designed to help people find the best treatment option for them by building a comprehensive resource of over 15,000 treatment providers. But many of the people who come to are unsure what type of treatment is right for them or even if there is any hope for their condition. 

That’s why we are proud to announce that in addition to our treatment options, we now also provide powerful stories of lived experience with and recovery from depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and other mental health conditions. Because sometimes, in the moment, what’s most helpful is a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is truly hope and the possibility of recovery. 

The Giving Voice to Depression podcast, now under our caring umbrella, offers those stories in short, digestible episodes. Each episode profiles a guest, describing how depression has affected them and what they have learned that helps them to better manage their symptoms and life. These shared stories of lived experience can comfort listeners with the realization that while our experiences are ours alone, the experience of depression is often surprisingly similar. 

The decision to reach out for support and treatment requires hope. We need to believe in the possibility of recovery and that we deserve to get the help we need. Shared stories have the power to instill that hope. 

Giving Voice to Depression ranks in the top 1% of global podcasts with over 2 million downloads. Its more than 400 intimate episodes are now part of our extensive resource library that also includes The Podcast, both created to help motivate and encourage more individuals on their recovery journey by providing clear, reliable information.

“The very act of hearing others speak about and describe their depression can be therapeutic. While everyone’s lives and experiences are unique to them, knowing others have found ways out of the deepest darkness can stoke even the tiniest ember of hope in us,” Producer and Co-Host Terry McGuire says. 

For Terry, bringing her podcast to is all about continuing her personal mission of helping people navigate depression and mental health challenges. Terry is a former Wisconsin broadcast journalist who created the Giving Voice to Depression podcast in 2017, after struggling with depression herself. She uses her 40+ years of storytelling experience to interview and share guest’s’ mental health journeys on a podcast to offer support, information, and hope to listeners. 

Terry joins the team as Executive Producer, and will continue to co-host and produce the Giving Voice to Depression podcast. In addition to the podcast, Terry will expand her storytelling to include the lived experience of those struggling with the full spectrum of mental health and substance abuse challenges.

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