Merrickville, Ontario, Canada

Newgate 180


(15 Reviews)
$18,000CAN: 12 month all inclusive programdown icon
30 day residential, 11 months aftercare
An accredited not-for-profit centre treating addiction with gender-separate facilities, single gender and co-ed programming, and 11 months of on-going care.
Call Newgate 180

Connect with Newgate 180 by calling their admissions team directly.


Coming to Newgate 180, I started to discover who I was and how to adopt a better and healthier way of living. It was amazing knowing that help was a reality and that I’m not alone. I know that my road of self-discovery may be long but in just one month I’ve learned more about myself than in five years.

Patrick, Former Client

4.8Average of 4 review(s)


Food & Nutrition




  • Easy to Work With (2)
  • Smooth Transition (2)
  • Communicates Client's Progress (2)
  • Quality Programming (2)


Referring Professional


very professional , great environment, staff very helpful .


2023 (30 days) • Reviewed November 1st, 2023

Former Client


Very helpful staff and the knowledge and skills I received are very beneficial.

Steve Wanless

Referring Professional

Drug & Alcohol Addictions Coordinator

Steve Wanless- President of Local 27-c Unifor and Drug & Alcohol Addictions Coordinator for Ontario Communication Counsel Our go to place is Newgate180, it’s a facility located in Merrickville. We have used for a better of 15 years. We have had the upmost success with Newgate and our members that have came out of the program ready to get back to work and lead a healthy life and that is really important. That is why we continue to use Newgate as a place for helping members with rehab and back to work and just overall living a better life. If anyone asks, I recommend Newgate 100%


2022 (27 days) • Reviewed October 26th, 2023

Loved One of a Former Client

Inclusion of family members in loved one's treatment. Excellent communication between LO's counsellor and F M's. Sam's weekly Family Support groups are comforting. Ongoing care for LO for a year after leaving Newgate much appreciated. Warm, welcoming environment. Personalized programming tailored to each person's unique needs. Staff go above and beyond expectations in assisting each person to achieve manageable goals . Unfortunately, because of space restrictions, the women are housed in a building (house) separate from the main building and do not have the same access to their rooms during the day that the men do, as the men are lucky enough to have rooms in the main building where all activities occur and there is supervision. The reason given is that there is no staff person continuously available to be in the women's house. This can be problematic for women who need to rest, as lounging on furniture in the main building is discouraged.