Robb Schuler

Robb leads’s business development efforts and specifically focuses on helping treatment centers reach people more effectively. Before joining, he held various roles with addiction treatment providers, and considers this field his calling. Of most relevance to many of our clients, he spent approximately 4 years as the Director of Operations and Business Development with Duffys Napa Valley Rehab in Calistoga, California. Robb is also one of the most genuine and caring people you could meet!
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Our Promise

How Is Different?

We believe everyone deserves access to accurate, unbiased information about mental health and recovery. That’s why we have a comprehensive set of treatment providers and don't charge for inclusion. Any center that meets our criteria can list for free. We do not and have never accepted fees for referring someone to a particular center. Providers who advertise with us must be verified by our Research Team and we clearly mark their status as advertisers.

Our goal is to help you choose the best path for your recovery. That begins with information you can trust.