Gina Capobianco

Gina Capobianco has lived experience with depression and anxiety. An advocate, writer, and speaker, she has written five books in which she shares what it is like to live with mental illness and has a blog titled Bent, Not Broken: Living with Depression. Her most recent book, Traveling the Healing Journey: Finding the Light in Mental Illness shares what it is like to live with depression and anxiety. One of her poetry books, Curative Quest: Mental Health, Hope, and Healing was a best-seller. She also leads a writing group and presents workshops on using writing as a healing tool. Her writing and speaking interests include sharing lived experience with mental illness, writing as a healing tool, and helping medical and health professionals understand individuals with mental illness. She also understands and writes/speaks about the intersection of mental and physical illness as she was diagnosed with cancer in 2023. She is trained as a speaker and program leader for NAMI. Gina was recognized as one of the Top 100 Speakers on Mental Resilience in 2020 by EZCare Clinic. A special education teacher for 26 years, she uses her experience as a teacher to create presentations that engage her audience. 
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