Malibu, California, United States

Cliffside Malibu


(1 Reviews)

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

1-4 months
Substance Use
Co-Occurring Mental Health
Personalized addiction and mental health treatment focuses on deep evidence-based healing, set apart from busyness in a luxurious and private home.

Highlights from the Center

  • Joint Commission Accredited

  • Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

  • Holistic Approach

  • Certified Professionals

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Luxury rehab centers offer a unique blend of luxurious amenities and high-quality treatment. From private suites to gourmet dining, personal trainers to spa treatments, these facilities provide a high level of comfort and discretion.

Stages of Change Model

Cliffside Malibu uses Prochaska’s Stages of Change model, with their staff learning its practices from the founder himself. The model emphasizes meeting clients where they are at in the six stages of recovery: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and stability. Cliffside aims to walk with clients through the stages, ending at stability and overall success.

Evidence-Based And Holistic Care

Evidence-based treatments and holistic care offer clients a well-rounded treatment experience. Yoga, interpersonal neurobiology, acupuncture, Reiki, and relapse prevention, among others, help heal all areas of the mind, body, and spirit. Their gym and swimming pools also help restore physical wellness, plus Cliffside’s nutritious chef-prepared meals.

Healing The Core of Addiction

Cliffside Malibu focuses on healing the cause of addiction, not just the symptoms. Believing that addiction stems from trauma or pain, they seek to alleviate these stressors and restore healthy coping mechanisms. Individual and group therapy help address pain points, allowing clients and their therapist to gently work towards full-person recovery.

Family Care And Aftercare

Knowing that addiction affects the whole family, Cliffside Malibu involves family members and significant others in treatment, as clients desire. Weekly family sessions educate family members on addiction, mental health, and the science behind it, helping them become better recovery allies. Aftercare services and extended care keep clients connected to recovery and the community at Cliffside Malibu.

Levels of Care

Mental health is a complex health condition that requires a comprehensive, patient-centered approach to treatment that ensures you receive the appropriate care at the right time, based on your individual needs.
Typically the initial stage of treatment for substance use, focusing on medically supervised management of withdrawal symptoms.
An intensive program offering 24 hour care and a variety of therapeutic services in a residential setting.
Sober Living
Transitional housing designed to support individuals recovering from substance use disorders offering a safe, supportive and structured environment for practicing long-term sobriety, while reintegrating back into daily living.
Day Treatment
In a PHP, patients live at home but follow an intensive schedule of treatment. Most programs require you to be on-site for about 40 hours per week.
Intensive Outpatient Program
A structured program, less intensive than inpatient treatment but more intensive than traditional outpatient care, involving a combination of therapies skills-building activities, to help people work towards recovery and maintain mental health.
Treatment programming allowing patients to receive care without staying in a hospital or inpatient facility, providing a variety of therapeutic and medical services.
Virtual & In-Home Care
Not Offered at This Center
The delivery of therapeutic services utilizing technology such as video conferencing, online messaging or phone calls, allowing for flexibility, comfort and increased access to care.




Non 12 Step


Therapeutic Community


1-on-1 Counseling

Meditation & Mindfulness


Adventure Therapy


Art Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Equine Therapy

Experiential Therapy

Family Therapy

What We Treat


Personality Disorders








Chronic Pain Management


Drug Screening
Family Follow-up Counseling
Support Meetings
Follow-up Sessions (online)
Recovery Coach
Recovery Retreats
Fitness Sessions
Return Visits
Follow-up Sessions (in-person)
Outpatient Treatment


Average of 1 review(s)


Food & Nutrition




  • Beautiful Location (1)
  • Luxurious Accommodations (1)
  • Excellent & Effective Treatment Programming (1)
  • Friendly & Competent Staff (1)


  • Poor Cell Service

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Steven "Rojo" Passmore

2022 (90 days) • Reviewed January 10th, 2023

Former Client


Southern California

The staff from housekeeping to directors were diligent and compassionate. The food and lodging were superior.

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